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MacKenzie Lab »  Publications


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Derderian SC, Jeanty C, Fleck SR, Cheng LS, Peyvandi S, Moon-Grady AJ, Farrell J, Hirose S, Gonzalez J, Keller RL, MacKenzie TC
The many faces of hydrops.
Journal of pediatric surgery, 2014-10-29.
Jeanty C, Kunisaki SM, MacKenzie TC
Novel non-surgical prenatal approaches to treating congenital diaphragmatic hernia.
Seminars in fetal & neonatal medicine, 2014-10-13.
Derderian SC, Coleman AM, Jeanty C, Lim FY, Shaaban AM, Farrell JA, Hirose S, MacKenzie TC, Lee H
Favorable outcomes in high-risk congenital pulmonary airway malformations treated with multiple courses of maternal betamethasone.
Journal of pediatric surgery, 2014-10-01.
Jeanty C, Derderian SC, Mackenzie TC
Maternal-fetal cellular trafficking: clinical implications and consequences.
Current opinion in pediatrics, 2014-06-01.
Derderian SC, Togarrati PP, King C, Moradi PW, Reynaud D, Czechowicz A, Weissman IL, MacKenzie TC
In utero depletion of fetal hematopoietic stem cells improves engraftment after neonatal transplantation in mice.
Blood, 2014-05-30.
Sanchez Rodriguez R, Pauli ML, Neuhaus IM, Yu SS, Arron ST, Harris HW, Yang SH, Anthony BA, Sverdrup FM, Krow-Lucal E, MacKenzie TC, Johnson DS, Meyer EH, Löhr A, Hsu A, Koo J, Liao W, Gupta R, Debbaneh MG, Butler D, Huynh M, Levin EC, Leon A, Hoffman WY, McGrath MH, Alvarado MD, Ludwig CH, Truong HA, Maurano MM, Gratz IK, Abbas AK, Rosenblum MD
Memory regulatory T cells reside in human skin.
The Journal of clinical investigation, 2014-02-10.
Derderian SC, Trivedi S, Farrell J, Keller RL, Rand L, Goldstein R, Feldstein VA, Hirose S, MacKenzie TC
Outcomes of fetal intervention for primary hydrothorax.
Journal of pediatric surgery, 2014-01-31.
Wegorzewska M, Nijagal A, Wong CM, Le T, Lescano N, Tang Q, MacKenzie TC
Fetal intervention increases maternal T cell awareness of the foreign conceptus and can lead to immune-mediated fetal demise.
Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950), 2014-01-10.
Cheng LS, Courtier J, MacKenzie TC
Anal duplication in a one-year-old girl.
Journal of pediatric surgery case reports, 2013-10-01.
Heil J, Rauch G, Szabo AZ, Garcia-Etienne CA, Golatta M, Domschke C, Badiian M, Kern P, Schuetz F, Wallwiener M, Sohn C, Fries H, von Minckwitz G, Schneeweiss A, Rezai M
Breast cancer mastectomy trends between 2006 and 2010: association with magnetic resonance imaging, immediate breast reconstruction, and hospital volume.
Annals of surgical oncology, 2013-07-10.
Fleck S, Bautista G, Keating SM, Lee TH, Keller RL, Moon-Grady AJ, Gonzales K, Norris PJ, Busch MP, Kim CJ, Romero R, Lee H, Miniati D, MacKenzie TC
Fetal production of growth factors and inflammatory mediators predicts pulmonary hypertension in congenital diaphragmatic hernia.
Pediatric research, 2013-06-14.
Nijagal A, Derderian C, Le T, Jarvis E, Nguyen L, Tang Q, Mackenzie TC
Direct and indirect antigen presentation lead to deletion of donor-specific T cells after in utero hematopoietic cell transplantation in mice.
Blood, 2013-04-22.
Szabo AZ, Fong S, Yue L, Zhang K, Strachan LR, Scalapino K, Mancianti ML, Ghadially R
The CD44+ ALDH+ population of human keratinocytes is enriched for epidermal stem cells with long-term repopulating ability.
Stem cells (Dayton, Ohio), 2013-04-01.
Nijagal A, MacKenzie TC
Clinical implications of maternal-fetal cellular trafficking.
Seminars in pediatric surgery, 2013-02-01.
Schecter SC, Courtier J, Cho SJ, Saadai P, Hirose S, Mackenzie TC, Miniati D
Hepatic portocholecystostomy for biliary atresia: a 25-year follow-up and review.
Journal of pediatric surgery, 2013-01-01.
Gawlik S, Waldeier L, Müller M, Szabo A, Sohn C, Reck C
Subclinical depressive symptoms during pregnancy and birth outcome--a pilot study in a healthy German sample.
Archives of women's mental health, 2012-12-21.
Shue EH, Soares B, Courtier J, Hogue J, Shimotake T, MacKenzie TC
Type IV intestinal atresia, congenital bilateral perisylvian syndrome, and chronic pulmonary hypertension secondary to multiple vascular disruption syndrome in a monochorionic twin.
Journal of pediatric surgery, 2012-10-01.
Nijagal A, Jelin E, Feldstein VA, Courtier J, Urisman A, Jones KD, Lee H, Hirose S, MacKenzie TC
The diagnosis and management of intradiaphragmatic extralobar pulmonary sequestrations: a report of 4 cases.
Journal of pediatric surgery, 2012-08-01.
Saadai P, MacKenzie TC
Increased maternal microchimerism after open fetal surgery.
Chimerism, 2012-07-01.
Saadai P, Lee TH, Bautista G, Gonzales KD, Nijagal A, Busch MP, Kim CJ, Romero R, Lee H, Hirose S, Rand L, Miniati D, Farmer DL, MacKenzie TC
Alterations in maternal-fetal cellular trafficking after fetal surgery.
Journal of pediatric surgery, 2012-06-01.
Saadai P, Jelin EB, Nijagal A, Schecter SC, Hirose S, MacKenzie TC, Rand L, Goldstein R, Farrell J, Harrison M, Lee H
Long-term outcomes after fetal therapy for congenital high airway obstructive syndrome.
Journal of pediatric surgery, 2012-06-01.
Nijagal A, Flake AW, MacKenzie TC
In utero hematopoietic cell transplantation for the treatment of congenital anomalies.
Clinics in perinatology, 2012-05-08.
Nijagal A, Fleck S, MacKenzie TC
Maternal microchimerism in patients with biliary atresia: Implications for allograft tolerance.
Chimerism, 2012-04-01.
Nijagal A, Fleck S, Hills NK, Feng S, Tang Q, Kang SM, Rosenthal P, MacKenzie TC
Decreased risk of graft failure with maternal liver transplantation in patients with biliary atresia.
American journal of transplantation : official journal of the American Society of Transplantation and the American Society of Transplant Surgeons, 2011-12-30.
Landsman L, Nijagal A, Whitchurch TJ, Vanderlaan RL, Zimmer WE, Mackenzie TC, Hebrok M
Pancreatic mesenchyme regulates epithelial organogenesis throughout development.
PLoS biology, 2011-09-06.
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