- Prenatal Delivery of Enzyme Replacement Therapy to Fetuses Affected by Early-Onset Lysosomal Storage Diseases.
2025 | PubMed - Dual α-globin-truncated erythropoietin receptor knockin restores hemoglobin production in α-thalassemia-derived erythroid cells.
2025 | PubMed - In utero hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for Fanconi anemia.
2024 | PubMed - The Conundrum of Mechanics Versus Genetics in Congenital Hydrocephalus and Its Implications for Fetal Therapy Approaches: A Scoping Review.
2024 | PubMed - Dual α-globin and truncated EPO receptor knockin restores hemoglobin production in α-thalassemia-derived red blood cells.
2024 | PubMed - Prenatal AAV9-GFP administration in fetal lambs results in transduction of female germ cells and maternal exposure to virus.
2024 | PubMed - Prenatal delivery of a therapeutic antisense oligonucleotide achieves broad biodistribution in the brain and ameliorates Angelman syndrome phenotype in mice.
2024 | PubMed - Intrauterine enzyme replacement therapies for lysosomal storage disorders: Current developments and promising future prospects.
2023 | PubMed - Systematic evaluation of genome sequencing for the diagnostic assessment of autism spectrum disorder and fetal structural anomalies.
2023 | PubMed - Are we prepared to deliver gene-targeted therapies for rare diseases?
2023 | PubMed - The impact of in utero transfusions on perinatal outcomes in patients with alpha thalassemia major: the UCSF registry.
2023 | PubMed - In Utero Enzyme-Replacement Therapy for Infantile-Onset Pompe's Disease.
2022 | PubMed - Investigating attitudes toward prenatal diagnosis and fetal therapy for spinal muscular atrophy.
2022 | PubMed - Prenatal Somatic Cell Gene Therapies: Charting a Path Toward Clinical Applications (Proceedings of the CERSI-FDA Meeting).
2022 | PubMed - Thymic and extrathymic Aire-expressing cells in maternal-fetal tolerance.
2022 | PubMed - Fetal therapies and trials for lysosomal storage diseases: a survey of attitudes of parents and patients.
2022 | PubMed - Consensus statement for the perinatal management of patients with α thalassemia major.
2021 | PubMed - Advances in the management of α-thalassemia major: reasons to be optimistic.
2021 | PubMed - Prenatal Gene Therapy.
2021 | PubMed - Maternal and Infant Immune Repertoire Sequencing Analysis Identifies Distinct Ig and TCR Development in Term and Preterm Infants.
2021 | PubMed - Exome sequencing of fetuses with congenital diaphragmatic hernia supports a causal role for NR2F2, PTPN11, and WT1 variants.
2021 | PubMed - Extrathymic Aire-expressing cells support maternal-fetal tolerance.
2021 | PubMed - Forever Connected: The Lifelong Biological Consequences of Fetomaternal and Maternofetal Microchimerism.
2021 | PubMed - Fetal and Maternal Safety Considerations for In Utero Therapy Clinical Trials: iFeTiS Consensus Statement.
2020 | PubMed - Exome Sequencing for Prenatal Diagnosis in Nonimmune Hydrops Fetalis.
2020 | PubMed - Detection of microbial cell-free DNA in maternal and umbilical cord plasma in patients with chorioamnionitis using next generation sequencing.
2020 | PubMed - Tolerance induction and microglial engraftment after fetal therapy without conditioning in mice with Mucopolysaccharidosis type VII.
2020 | PubMed - CD161 contributes to prenatal immune suppression of IFNγ-producing PLZF+ T cells.
2019 | PubMed - In Utero Gene Therapy Consensus Statement from the IFeTIS.
2019 | PubMed - Evaluation of Clinical Outcomes of Sutureless vs Sutured Closure Techniques in Gastroschisis Repair.
2019 | PubMed - Depletion of murine fetal hematopoietic stem cells with c-Kit receptor and CD47 blockade improves neonatal engraftment.
2018 | PubMed - Large Differences in Small RNA Composition Between Human Biofluids.
2018 | PubMed - Future AAVenues for In Utero Gene Therapy.
2018 | PubMed - Meta-Analysis of Maternal and Fetal Transcriptomic Data Elucidates the Role of Adaptive and Innate Immunity in Preterm Birth.
2018 | PubMed - Alloreactive fetal T cells promote uterine contractility in preterm labor via IFN-γ and TNF-α.
2018 | PubMed - Systemic multilineage engraftment in mice after in utero transplantation with human hematopoietic stem cells.
2018 | PubMed - Esophagoesophagopexy technique for assisted fistulization of esophageal atresia.
2017 | PubMed - Non-Immune Hydrops Fetalis: Do Placentomegaly and Polyhydramnios Matter?
2017 | PubMed - Sacrococcygeal teratoma: late recurrence warrants long-term surveillance.
2017 | PubMed - Fetal stem cell and gene therapy.
2017 | PubMed - Epidemiology of Live Born Infants with Nonimmune Hydrops Fetalis-Insights from a Population-Based Dataset.
2017 | PubMed - Favorable outcomes after in utero transfusion in fetuses with alpha thalassemia major: a case series and review of the literature.
2016 | PubMed - A Transient Developmental Hematopoietic Stem Cell Gives Rise to Innate-like B and T Cells.
2016 | PubMed - Magnetic resonance imaging of Müllerian duct anomalies in children.
2016 | PubMed - Heightened Immune Activation in Fetuses with Gastroschisis May Be Blocked by Targeting IL-5.
2016 | PubMed - Mass Effect Alone May Not Explain Pulmonary Vascular Pathology in Severe Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia.
2015 | PubMed - Fetal Surgical conditions and the unraveling of maternal-fetal tolerance.
2015 | PubMed - A booster shot to cure hemoglobinopathies.
2015 | PubMed - Maternal factors associated with the occurrence of gastroschisis.
2015 | PubMed - Increased maternal T cell microchimerism in the allogeneic fetus during LPS-induced preterm labor in mice.
2015 | PubMed - Consensus statement from the first international conference for in utero stem cell transplantation and gene therapy.
2015 | PubMed - In utero hematopoietic cell transplantation for hemoglobinopathies.
2015 | PubMed - Placental drug delivery for treatment of congenital hematopoietic disorders.
2014 | PubMed - The many faces of hydrops.
2014 | PubMed - Novel non-surgical prenatal approaches to treating congenital diaphragmatic hernia.
2014 | PubMed - Favorable outcomes in high-risk congenital pulmonary airway malformations treated with multiple courses of maternal betamethasone.
2014 | PubMed - Maternal-fetal cellular trafficking: clinical implications and consequences.
2014 | PubMed - In utero depletion of fetal hematopoietic stem cells improves engraftment after neonatal transplantation in mice.
2014 | PubMed - Memory regulatory T cells reside in human skin.
2014 | PubMed - Outcomes of fetal intervention for primary hydrothorax.
2014 | PubMed - Fetal intervention increases maternal T cell awareness of the foreign conceptus and can lead to immune-mediated fetal demise.
2014 | PubMed - Anal duplication in a one-year-old girl.
2013 | PubMed - Fetal production of growth factors and inflammatory mediators predicts pulmonary hypertension in congenital diaphragmatic hernia.
2013 | PubMed - Direct and indirect antigen presentation lead to deletion of donor-specific T cells after in utero hematopoietic cell transplantation in mice.
2013 | PubMed - Clinical implications of maternal-fetal cellular trafficking.
2013 | PubMed - Hepatic portocholecystostomy for biliary atresia: a 25-year follow-up and review.
2013 | PubMed - Type IV intestinal atresia, congenital bilateral perisylvian syndrome, and chronic pulmonary hypertension secondary to multiple vascular disruption syndrome in a monochorionic twin.
2012 | PubMed - The diagnosis and management of intradiaphragmatic extralobar pulmonary sequestrations: a report of 4 cases.
2012 | PubMed - Increased maternal microchimerism after open fetal surgery.
2012 | PubMed - Alterations in maternal-fetal cellular trafficking after fetal surgery.
2012 | PubMed - Long-term outcomes after fetal therapy for congenital high airway obstructive syndrome.
2012 | PubMed - In utero hematopoietic cell transplantation for the treatment of congenital anomalies.
2012 | PubMed - Maternal microchimerism in patients with biliary atresia: Implications for allograft tolerance.
2012 | PubMed - Decreased risk of graft failure with maternal liver transplantation in patients with biliary atresia.
2011 | PubMed - Pancreatic mesenchyme regulates epithelial organogenesis throughout development.
2011 | PubMed - The maternal immune response inhibits the success of in utero hematopoietic cell transplantation.
2011 | PubMed - A mouse model of in utero transplantation.
2011 | PubMed - Maternal T cells limit engraftment after in utero hematopoietic cell transplantation in mice.
2011 | PubMed - Image of the month--quiz case. Gastric duplication cyst.
2010 | PubMed - Long-term surgical outcomes in congenital diaphragmatic hernia: observations from a single institution.
2010 | PubMed - Persistent expression of hF.IX After tolerance induction by in utero or neonatal administration of AAV-1-F.IX in hemophilia B mice.
2007 | PubMed - Impact of continuous intraoperative monitoring on outcomes in open fetal surgery.
2005 | PubMed - Transduction of satellite cells after prenatal intramuscular administration of lentiviral vectors.
2005 | PubMed - Long-term transgene expression in cardiac and skeletal muscle following fetal administration of adenoviral or adeno-associated viral vectors in mice.
2003 | PubMed - Efficient transduction of liver and muscle after in utero injection of lentiviral vectors with different pseudotypes.
2002 | PubMed - The ex-utero intrapartum treatment.
2002 | PubMed - Engraftment of bone marrow and fetal liver cells after in utero transplantation in MDX mice.
2002 | PubMed - The natural history of prenatally diagnosed conjoined twins.
2002 | PubMed - Human mesenchymal stem cells: insights from a surrogate in vivo assay system.
2002 | PubMed - Risk factors for intermediate-term survival after coronary artery bypass grafting.
2001 | PubMed - Large-volume paracentesis in the management of ascites in children.
2001 | PubMed - Survival after first esophageal variceal hemorrhage in patients with biliary atresia.
2001 | PubMed - The management of prenatally diagnosed choledochal cysts.
2001 | PubMed - A fetal lung lesion consisting of bronchogenic cyst, bronchopulmonary sequestration, and congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation: the missing link?
2001 | PubMed - Human mesenchymal stem cells persist, demonstrate site-specific multipotential differentiation, and are present in sites of wound healing and tissue regeneration after transplantation into fetal sheep.
2001 | PubMed - Heterogeneity of type I diabetes: analysis of monozygotic twins in Great Britain and the United States.
2001 | PubMed - The impact of the diabetes control and complications trial and humalog insulin on glycohemoglobin levels and severe hypoglycemia in type 1 diabetes.
2001 | PubMed - Multilineage differentiation of human MSC after in utero transplantation.
2001 | PubMed - Human mesenchymal stem cells engraft and demonstrate site-specific differentiation after in utero transplantation in sheep.
2000 | PubMed - Response to treatment as a predictor of longterm outcome in patients with lupus nephritis.
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