University of California San Francisco


Research Fellow


490 Illinois Street, #102N
San Francisco, CA 94158
United States


    Akos Herzeg, MD, PhD, MBA - Research Fellow is a German/Hungarian Maternal-Fetal Medicine specialist and a fetal surgeon. He is the inaugural senior fellow in the MacKenzie Lab and UCSF Center for Maternal-Fetal Precision Medicine where he is working closely with Tippi Mackenzie, on clinical applications of fetal molecular therapies: fetal gene therapies and fetal enzyme replacement therapies. Akos has trained in prenatal medicine and fetal therapy at the University of Heidelberg in Germany where he has led the development and clinical oversight of the Center for Fetal Surgery. His expertise includes managing complicated monochorionic twins, complex multiple gestations, high-risk pregnancies, and fetal Spinal dysraphisms. He also holds an MBA in Healthcare Administration with a concentration in the Management of Centers of Healthcare Excellence and is currently the Chief Strategy Officer of the UCSF Broad Stem Cell Center. 

    Awards & Honors

    Award Conferred By Date
    Alumni Scholarship Frankfurt School of Finance and Management 2017/2019


    Institution Degree Dept or School End Date
    MIT Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare 12/2022
    Frankfurt School of Finance and Management MBA Healthcare Business Administration 05/2019
    Heidelberg University Fellowship Maternal Fetal Medicine 07/2017
    Heidelberg University OBGYN Specialist 07/2015
    Heidelberg University PhD Molecular Biology 06/2015
    UCSF Postdoc Research Epidermal Stem Cells 05/2010
    Hatieganu Medical University MD Medicine 09/2007
    Semmelweis University MD Medicine 09/2007


    1. Prenatal Delivery of Enzyme Replacement Therapy to Fetuses Affected by Early-Onset Lysosomal Storage Diseases.
      Borges B, Canepa E, Chang IJ, Herzeg A, Lianoglou B, Kishnani PS, Harmatz P, MacKenzie TC, Cohen JL| | PubMed
    2. The Conundrum of Mechanics Versus Genetics in Congenital Hydrocephalus and Its Implications for Fetal Therapy Approaches: A Scoping Review.
      Herzeg A, Borges B, Diafos LN, Gupta N, MacKenzie TC, Sanders SJ| | PubMed
    3. Prenatal AAV9-GFP administration in fetal lambs results in transduction of female germ cells and maternal exposure to virus.
      Borges B, Varthaliti A, Schwab M, Clarke MT, Pivetti C, Gupta N, Cadwell CR, Guibinga G, Phillips S, Del Rio T, Ozsolak F, Imai-Leonard D, Kong L, Laird DJ, Herzeg A, Sumner CJ, MacKenzie TC| | PubMed
    4. Intrauterine enzyme replacement therapies for lysosomal storage disorders: Current developments and promising future prospects.
      Herzeg A, Borges B, Lianoglou BR, Gonzalez-Velez J, Canepa E, Munar D, Young SP, Bali D, Gelb MH, Chakraborty P, Kishnani PS, Harmatz P, Cohen JL, MacKenzie TC| | PubMed
    5. Prenatal Somatic Cell Gene Therapies: Charting a Path Toward Clinical Applications (Proceedings of the CERSI-FDA Meeting).
      Herzeg A, Almeida-Porada G, Charo RA, David AL, Gonzalez-Velez J, Gupta N, Lapteva L, Lianoglou B, Peranteau W, Porada C, Sanders SJ, Sparks TN, Stitelman DH, Struble E, Sumner CJ, MacKenzie TC| | PubMed
    6. The impact of a short cervix and funneling on the outcome in singleton pregnancies treated with an Arabin-pessary or a McDonald cerclage.
      Mouzakiti N, Sierra F, Herzeg A, Al Naimi A, Reising C, Bahlmann F, Kyvernitakis I| | PubMed
    7. Combined treatment of McDonald cerclage and Arabin-pessary: a chance in the prevention of spontaneous preterm birth?
      Wolnicki BG, von Wedel F, Mouzakiti N, Al Naimi A, Herzeg A, Bahlmann F, Kyvernitakis I| | PubMed
    8. Comparative animal study of the antinociceptive efficacy of lamotrigine and gabapentin for the management of pain.
      Szabo AZ, Bocsan IC, Suciu S, Buzoianu AD| | PubMed
    9. S100P and HYAL2 as prognostic markers for patients with triple-negative breast cancer.
      Maierthaler M, Kriegsmann M, Peng C, Jauch S, Szabo A, Wallwiener M, Rom J, Sohn C, Schneeweiss A, Sinn HP, Yang R, Burwinkel B| | PubMed
    10. Timing of elective repeat caesarean does matter: Importance of avoiding early-term delivery especially in diabetic patients.
      Gawlik S, Müller M, Kuon RJ, Szabo AZ, Keller D, Sohn C| | PubMed
    11. Breast cancer mastectomy trends between 2006 and 2010: association with magnetic resonance imaging, immediate breast reconstruction, and hospital volume.
      Heil J, Rauch G, Szabo AZ, Garcia-Etienne CA, Golatta M, Domschke C, Badiian M, Kern P, Schuetz F, Wallwiener M, Sohn C, Fries H, von Minckwitz G, Schneeweiss A, Rezai M| | PubMed
    12. The CD44+ ALDH+ population of human keratinocytes is enriched for epidermal stem cells with long-term repopulating ability.
      Szabo AZ, Fong S, Yue L, Zhang K, Strachan LR, Scalapino K, Mancianti ML, Ghadially R| | PubMed
    13. Subclinical depressive symptoms during pregnancy and birth outcome--a pilot study in a healthy German sample.
      Gawlik S, Waldeier L, Müller M, Szabo A, Sohn C, Reck C| | PubMed